Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Hubby's B-Day...

It was Dave's Birthday on Sunday. Dave & I do not make a big deal of our birthdays (all about the kids now anyway, right?). I think the 2 of us only celebrate our birthdays becuase the kids like birthdays (& birthday cake) so very much!
Anyway, Dave's birthday weekend was pretty great! On Saturday, he took Chris to his 1st little league baseball practice which Chris & Dave really enjoyed.
While they were there, I took the girls & Andrew over to our local pet feed store to purchase some baby ducks (post about these guys to follow). Then I was off for a full day of 2011 Spring Mini Photo Shoots (Sneak peeks here...) The weather was warm and sunny & the kids enjoyed riding their bikes and chalking up the driveway with their cousin, Jacob.  Dave spent the day with his brother , sister'n'law, sister and all the kiddies. He enjoyed much beer and all sorts of meets on the BBQ (I couldn't complain that I came home to a cooked BBQ dinner and our 3 month old neice...who I stole immediately to cuddle with!)

On Sunday, Dave's actual birthday, we dropped the kids off at Grandma & Papa's house and enjoyed a quiet bruch at Danfords in Port Jeff Village. (Quiet, as in no kids; Dave & I enjoyed 1.5 hours of uninterrupted conversation!). We then walked around the Village followed by a nice drive to Cedar Beach.  So after our 4 hours of alone time  :), we spent a few hours at Grandma & Papa's and then enjoyed dinner out (yup...did not cook a meal all day!). Had no choice but to pick up a store made cake (what...we were out all day & I could not bake his favorite at 7:30pm on a school night). The kids sang Happy Birthday to Daddy who was such a sport to have a birthday so the kids could enjoy cake. Sadly, he made that favorite yellow recipe cake last night while I was at swim with the girls! Ha!

Anyway, great weekend to a great husband and father! Love you, Dave!