Saturday, June 4, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Behind on posts...but don't want to skip all the good since this is my so called "journal" and I would love to see it "mostly" complete! :)

The 2011 Memorial Day ~ Weekend was always! We always head up to the "Cabin in the Woods" with all the cousins, brothers & sisters and grandparents! This year, we even had cousin Thomas with us which is always fun for the kids!  They played on the play yard (built by Grandpa, David & Kevin), walked the trails, visited the neighbors farm animals, swam in the community pool, caught frogs & bugs, and ate a ton of yummy BBQ!!! 

Here's a look at our weekend:


               Sarah with Liam @ his Communion                  Sarah loving her cousin Lily !


                 All cousins thrilled for this one!                 Girls loving up with their cousin Risa!

Then there was the festive Memorial Day celebration!


First of many big family kickball games... oh, & the BBQ...yummmm:


Wheels are enjoyed by most all!


Bugs were discovered & captured (only temporarily) ! 


All sorts of other memories were made.... smiles, loving & laughs!






Until next year....  :)