Today is my nephew, Thomas's birthday. This is my twin sister's son... the absolute love of her life! He is my children's first cousin and they are super close and fortunately live close and get to see each other practically every week!
I will never forget the day he was born, my sister went into labor at Sarah's Christening...right in the church. I had no idea that Thomas was even coming until the after party at my house when I wondered where my sister was. My friend told me that she was doing her "labor breathing" in front of her in the church trying to stay for the entire ceremony! 28 hours later, this cutie was born.
Thomas was a beautiful baby...I mean one of those babies that you see only 1 day old and are really truly beautiful. (I find most babies are funny looking when they are first born...even my own). But not Thomas, he was a beautiful baby, super cute infant, adorable toddler and is turning into quite the handsome little guy. He still has this shy, silly grin with the most amazing dimple.
We have had some pretty cool memories with this little kid and look forward to many many more memories with him in the future!
Happy Birthday, buddy! We love you!