Hi all! My name is Melissa. As you can tell, I have 4 little ones...kids that is! I guess some of them are not that little anymore...but to me, they are...and probably will always be!
What's it like for me, for us? Some days, my days go smoothly, we get errands done, do some cleaning, sneak in playtime with the kiddies. I said some days...these days seem not to come as often as the days that are absolutely crazy where nothing goes as planned...nothing. Where your list of things to do go undone and left for another day to really just never get done! (Like creating a blog that you have wanted to do do for a few years! LOL)
We have a fun life, we laugh, we play, we cry, we even sometimes yell. It is our home, our life. We do chores, we make messes, we tickle and giggle. We blame, we tattle, we hug and we cuddle. (sounds like a poem my 9 year old would have written...ha! ) Just trying to say...I think we have a normal family, although aren't I like every mom wondering if I am the only mom to say this, do this, has a child who? etc.?
So here...a little place on the web where I can write a little something about my life, our life. A little online journal to keep our family and friends up to date with our 4 little ones! (Especially for those not on Facebook!)
PS~ The above picture, is probably my favorite picture of my 4 little ones! Not because they have on perfect outfits with prefect smiles or because the quality is great. Clearly, not all of these statements would be true. I love this photo because it completely captured their personalities (& their ages) perfectly!!!!