Rachel just 3 pounds when she was born almost 10 weeks premature. So little and fragile...now 7 years old and beautiful! I mean really beautiful, both inside and out! She is super sweet and kind, she is funny and makes us all smile each day & she is smart...she is so smart! Oh, we all just adore her so very much!
So this year...her birthday seem to last about a week...how awesome for any kid! :)
On her birthday, she asked for a bike to be her gift, and asked to go to Friendly's for dinner, and have her soon - to-be new cousin sleep over. Done!
A few days later, she invited a few of her closest "girlies" to the movies, then home for pizza and create your own ice cream sundaes (Then trampoline jump-giggle fest). She had a great time with great and adorable friends!
The next day, Rachel's very cool aunt took her to a trapeze center in NYC for their first Trapeze lessons! Yeah...Aunt Kerry...she's cool like that! Last year, she took Rachel rock climbing! I always tell people...never under-estimate Rachel's "little-ness"...she is super strong! Here a few pics of them trapezing (is that spelled/written correctly?) Wish I had actually been there to see it in person...or try it!!! LOL

They were both naturals (as told by the instructors) toes pointed and strong legs! Go girls!!!

Lastly, we held a family bbq dinner for Rachel to celebrate with her loved ones. I, unfortunately was hosting...and only took 3 pics the entire night. Brittany took a bunch of photos (I saw when offloading pics) but she forgot to throw the camera into auto mode, and every image is so over-exposed that every picture looks like heaven and ghosts! :) Everyone seemed to have a good time, pool was open, drinks were had and much food was eaten!
Rachel asked for a Justin Beiber Ice cream cake (with cupcakes on top) as her cake this year. Worst cake I have ever made since it is near impossible to make an ice cream cake in July...It was melting before I even put the candles on and we started singing!!! But, Justin Beiber was on an ice cream cake, and there were cupcakes on it, too! Hehe!
Happy 7th Birthday sweet Rachel! XOXO