This past weekend was a first where we were not completely booked from Friday night until Sunday night in what seems like forever. We actually had a few hours on Sunday where we could just get a few things done outdoors. Dave had to finish taking down the X-Mas decorations (yes...I know, but any warm, not snowy weekend day where weather would permit him to take them down...we were either not at home...or had something else to do). Ok...back to a few free hours ~ So Rachie & Chris spotted Dave & I out in the front yard; Dave taking down lights, me raking out my front gardens. Well...their thoughts were not at all on helping us with our much needed projects...they had thoughts of learning to ride thier bikes with no training wheels. Hard to say no when bike riding season is just weeks we say yes for a little while... minutes, Rachel had it! Within 20 minutes she was practicing her figure 8's!

Chris, can now ride straight the length of a few houses...a few more hours and he is totally there. Still a little fear holding him back from practicing his turns and getting too far from us.
Andrew, felt a little left out watching, so he learned to ride the radio flyer that was once Chris's and before that, was Rachels! He still needs a little help sterring as he only goes straight, but in a few weeks, I think we will actually be able to go around the block with him!

Where was Sarah?...indoors reading a new novel she got from the library... Still hope she can fall in love with bike riding like the rest of the family! LOL
PS...Dave finished putting the decorations away when it was time for me to head in and start dinner...but as far as my gardens..they will have to wait until I can sneak out there without any bike riding kids seeing me!