So here, I will post a quick review (not in any special order) with some photos (thank goodness for i-phones to capture moments when a camera is not nearby!) All in all we had a great time...and sincerely thank Grandma & Papa for inviting us to visit Mr. Sun!!!

Spent a few days on the sand with waves, seashells, and lots & lots of happy smiles! They played and swam in the water, they played and built in the sand. They built mini-pools, trenches and pretended to drive rental boats that were parked on the sand.
We all took advantage of swimming in the pool, which we love doing all summer in our own pool, but swimming in March is just more fun! Chris had a great time "writing" his letters under water, Andy had fun kick, kick, kicking. Rachel & Sarah made a little friend one day & asked if he wanted to play Marco Polo with them. He said "sure, that's close to my name, Marcos! " The girls thought this was hilarious...hope this boy did not think they were making fun of his name! LOL

Spent a DAY playing miniture golf with the kids. Jungle themed, so they love the playing on the grounds. I say day becuase playing 18 holes with a family of 8 takes practically all day. Grandma got a hole in one on her 1st hole & then another 2 holes later!
Chris and Andy had their own way of holding thier clubs...def not golfers, but a baseball bat, they are definetely ready for!!!
All in all, is was fun (& exhausting) and the kids enjoyed it lots!

There were a few evening where we would just head down to the beach for a little while to soak it in! The kids were not in suits, but for some reason it did not seem to bother them to get all wet & salty in their clothes. Weird, right? LOL
The kids missed a week of school (after they enjoyed a week off for school winter break), but they did their homework , a few class assignments while there and also created vacation journals about their week. We also enjoyed much science... these creatures are just a few we encountered on our many nature sure they missed school, but they were definitely enriched and enlightened! Right?

We stayed with my in-laws for the week in a condo they rent for a few months. Many of the residents in the community are...well...seniors. So the activities and events hosted are very enjoyable . We were invited to a Mardi Gras party. The kids enjoyed cute party favors, a yummy BBQ, ice cream and even a band! I say kids, becuase although I enjoyed the company a few funny things happened to me!
Ready?: I shall not go into too much detail, so, in short, I had my hand slapped by one of the food volunteers, then I had an old gent advise Andrew to throw a 3 pound weight on my toes...while in flip-flops! :)
Some more misc days/events included: