So...the first 2 times I climed, I was more concerned about everyone else, was I taking too long deciding on my next move, was my balleyer (your partner holding the rope at the bottom) getting tired or bored, was I was climbing to quickly for them to keep the rope tight, and even some silly thoughts of my "weight" while up there. By my third climb, after I had been a balleyer 4 times, I realized, it is a complete give & take relationship and if I was going to enjoy this workout (almost as much as I do my zumba workouts) then I needed to just get up there and only think about the climb and the thrill you get by climbing to the very tippy top! That worked.... I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT BY MY THIRD CLIMB!
Thans again K & A for a fun 3 hours of climbing, sweating and laughing!