Friday, May 27, 2011

The other night was my Sarah's spring chorus concert. My in-laws were sitting a few rows back and Andy wanted to walk back and fouth from me to them a few times during the show. At the end, I let him wander over to them so I could pack up my camera gear and diaper bag. as I looked up to make sure he was still behaving, I saw this. I turned on my camera on so fast...did not change any settings (hence the terrible quality) and shot this! Changed the color tone a bit just to enhance (hide) the dark grainy image quality, but you can tell...this is the "Papa" that our kids adore! He is an awesome man...and an even more awesome Papa!!!!
I did not see this picture until I was searching for some good images to print to take up to our cabin this weekend for his b-day...I totally forgot about this! I have to remember to ask him what exactly was going on or what they were talking about!