Me...on Sunday morning... |

My take on the time and effort and what my time is worth:
I could totally be doing something more fun with the few hours it takes me weekly to accomplish real couponing ( this process is taking less and less time each week as I become that coupon diva (LOL)). But, I do have 4 little ones, and we generally eat a pretty healthy diet including fruits, veggies, dairy and meats; foods that are pretty damn expensive. I always compare my cart full of fruits, veggies, dairy & meats at the grocery checkout line with the customer in front of me, who walks away with a cart full of prepackaged possibly unhealthier meals...and their total is half of mine...and it looks like they got double the amount of stuff...get what I am saying? It is expensive to eat healthy!
So...our healthy foods cost a lot...and that's ok, because we save big time on things like health and beauty supplies, household items, pet items, cereals, etc!
This weekend, I really planned out my grocery and home shopping taking full advantage of coupon and sale stacking... Over $480 worth of stuff for about $150. Did not purchase anything that I did not need in the home...well except for a bunch of formula, which I got all free and donated, some to the church, and a few to a customer in the isle that was purchasing the same brand!!!! :)
Here are a few pics, this was from 3 stores, but in the end, I did visit 5...just did not take pics of them.
(Stores shown above: Pathmark, Waldbaums & Rite-aide. Stores not shown; Target & King Kullen.)
Also...I am no pro like those crazy coupon people on TV, I have a coupon binder, and go through a few circlulars, but I would never buy 100 bottles of mustard, I would get only 1 or 2...only what we need! You will not see me buying 150 butterfinger candybars or 50 boxes of pasta... I would get 5! :)
Are you a couponer? Share your thoughts or deals or tricks with me!!!!!