Sunday, May 1, 2011

We spent the entire weekend outdoors...

It was an absolutely beautiful weekend...and I wish I could be writing to say that we took the kids to a park for a bike ride and picnic or something really fun...but I am not writing that. Instead, we spent the entire weekend in our yard, front and back catching up on spring yard work. The grass, bamboo and weeds have been growing like crazy!!!!! Our youngest is 2, and for the first time...there is no "baby"; in 9.5 years there has always been a baby to keep me from a full days work. I just may get some real work done this year!!!

Anyway...if I get any "me free time" in the beginning of the spring summer or fall seasons, you will find me squeezing in time to garden or weed in my fav gardening clogs shoes and a pair of garden gloves. 
I do not mind the actual labor of yrad work, I actually enjoy it a bit...I love leaving the house, then coming back and noticing all of our hard work. We unfortunately bought our home where the prior owners did not upkeep on anything, and it seems that everything needed work...slowly, with 4 kids, we are chipping away at each task! And one day, when we actually hire someone else to do it for us...maybe I will even miss it, Dave will not!!! :)

PS~ The kids had a great weekend, they played with the ducks and filled the pool for them, they jumped, jumped and jumped even more on the trampoline, they helped garden, weed & mow the yards, they rode bikes and ended the evenings with an outdoor fire and marshmallows!